Church (904) 249-5418 | Preschool (904) 249-1204
Church (904) 249-5418 | Preschool (904) 249-1204
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Bethlehem is a special place where all are welcomed to come and see what God is doing, and to discover who God is. We realize that in today’s world, faith questions and concerns can be very personal, and sometimes confusing. BLC is committed to extending an invitation to all people to come and ask the hard questions; see what we teach and confess as we start on this exciting journey of faith. Visit us today!
All are welcome to stay after service for coffee in Disciples’ Hall. This is a great way to get to know others and take a moment to relax. We are always available for questions, concerns, and prayer requests.
Nursery care is available across the courtyard from the Sanctuary in the classroom at our 9:30 and 11 AM worship services. Follow the directional signs located around the campus. Children are always welcome to worship with their parents and to be a part of the BLC family.
We invite you to park on 8th Avenue North, in front of the Sanctuary, with alternative parking on 9th Avenue North. Enter the church through one of two entrances: From 8th Avenue North you will cross 8th Avenue, and follow the sidewalk to the Narthex front door.
Parking behind the church building on 9th Avenue North, you will enter through the door next to the playground, and then cross the courtyard to the double doors directly in front of you. You may also fill out a Prayer Card (in the pew racks) and place it in the offering plate or hand to an usher.
We count it as a privilege to pray for our guests, and we are looking forward to meeting you
Sunday School is available for all ages. Classes start at 9:30 am for children and youth in the Family Contemporary Service. Adults have class opportunities at 9:30 am in Disciples Hall and in the Upper Room. We also have an intergenerational class at 11 am in the Fellowship Hall. Check out the bulletin for class topics and locations. Please feel free to stay, we love having company!
Our philosophy toward guests is simple. You are our guest. We don’t want to ignore you, but we also do not want to overwhelm you. Don’t hesitate to check with an usher or greeter if you have any questions. And remember, introduce yourself to one of the Pastors, the Vicar or an Elder and please, come back again. Not ready for a visit? Contact us, we can begin a discussion and try to answer your questions.
“Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened…”
Luke 2:3
Bethlehem Lutheran Church & Preschool Map (jpg)
DownloadCopyright © 2017 Bethlehem Lutheran Church & Preschool - All Rights Reserved. Bethlehem Lutheran Church & Preschool 1423 8th Avenue North, Jacksonville Beach, Florida USA 32250 Church: (904) 249-5418 Preschool: (904) 249-1204